Blog Session 4: Animals

Hello my dears, 

Today Im going to talk about animals! I love pets with all my heart. My entire of life I wanted a cat, but mother hate them and for that reason I always had dogs. However, I love the dogs. I think that they are the most beautifuls animals in the planet. 

My first dog was a poodle, his name was Max. I had it since my 10 years old until he died years later. Some years after, I adopted Pancha. Panchas name was because she was a little baby and cry a lot, so we tell her Panchita Llorona, but unfortunately, she escaped from my house and we found her some days later, after this she died. 

The day of my graduation of High School, my mother give me a little dog as a present. The name of her is Charlotte. She is a beautiful little dog and I love her with all my life and heart. She is like a baby to me. We do all together. She sleep with me, we go to walk, she accompanies me when I’m study or when I’m sad. She means everything to me. 


  1. She seems very loyal with you and she´s so cute.

  2. it is very sad that your dog died :c and your new dog is very cute.

  3. OMG !!!! Me too love pets , but my favorite pets is a cat :)

  4. I love the relationship so beautiful you have with Charlotte. :)

  5. Charlotte is very adorable! She is like a baby!

  6. Your dog is so beautiful! She looks so sweet.


  7. it's true dogs are the most beautiful animals on the planet


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